Popular Fruits & Veggies That Are Safe (& Healthy) For Pets

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It’s not generally advised to share table scraps with your pets, but the good news is, there’s a slew of healthy, fresh foods that you can actually feel good about sharing. The fact is that most (but not all) fruits and veggies are as good for our four-legged friends as they are for us, however, there are a few that can actually be toxic. (For instance, grapes and raw potatoes are two of them.)

Below is a list of popular produce that can add vitamins and minerals to your companion’s diet. As always, moderation is key, and when in doubt, ask your vet before feeding your dog or cat something new. 


Besides being sweet, crispy, and delicious, apples are full of fiber and vitamins A and C. However, the seeds of an apple contain cyanide which is toxic for dogs, so be sure to slice it up before feeding it to your pal!


Bananas are known for their high potassium content, but did you know that they are also rich in fiber and vitamin C? Depending on their ripeness, they can be high in sugar, so be sure to distribute them to your dog in moderation.


Loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and phytochemicals, blueberries are a fun fruit to use when training your pooch. Try freezing this superfood for a yummy hot-weather treat, or blend it with bananas into a pup-safe smoothie!


Fresh pineapple chunks are a sweet and juicy goody your pet is sure to love. Rich in fiber, low in fat, and high in vitamins and minerals, it’s something you can feel good about giving your pet, but make sure it’s either fresh or frozen; canned fruits often contain an unhealthy amount of added sugar.


Who doesn’t love a fresh slice of watermelon in the summertime? To beat the heat, share this refreshing snack with your pooch – it will keep them hydrated and healthy with its high content of water, potassium, and vitamins A and B6. Just make sure that your pet’s share of this tasty treat is free of seeds and rind!


A healthy snack that’s low in calories but high in nutrients like fiber and vitamin C, broccoli is a great choice for your canine companion either raw or steamed. Remember to keep all fruits and veggies plain, without any salt or other spices added!


Rich in fiber and beta carotene, carrots provide many health benefits. Many dogs go nuts over this crunchy snack, making it a good alternative to other high-fat foods or packaged dog treats. It’ll even help keep their teeth clean! 


Another great summertime treat is celery, with its high water content and satisfying crunch. It contains vitamins A, B, and C, and can help freshen your dog’s breath. Some dogs like it plain, while others prefer their celery with a little peanut butter on top (c’mon, we know you do too!). 

Green beans

If you thought your pup would never enjoy green beans, give it a try; they may surprise you and mow down! Filled with fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K and manganese, this vegetable makes a nutritious addition to you AND your pup’s diet. Whether you serve it to your furry friend raw or cooked, be sure that it’s free of seasoning.


Pumpkin contains fiber, beta carotene, and more, and is delicious either canned (make sure it’s plain!) or cooked fresh. You could bake it into dog biscuits with oats and peanut butter for a filling, nutrient-dense treat, or mix it in with dog food to add flavor to your pup’s dinner.


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