5 Ways To Bond With Your Cat

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5 Ways To Bond With Your Cat

Cats are notoriously aloof, but they still love bonding with their humans. In fact, their seemingly non-caring behavior may be avoided if you work hard to develop a relationship with them, and it will even help create positive interactions with other people and animals they meet. Doing so early on is key, so follow these tips as often as you can while your kitten is still learning how to socialize. If you create enough positive bonding experiences, your cat will come to you looking for snuggles!

1. Playtime

Playtime is important for your cat’s exercise and prey drive, but it can also be a great way to interact and have fun with your feline. Kittens are high-energy, so be sure to spend lots of time stimulating them, mentally and physically. There are many different types of toys that can be fun for both you and your pet: wands, throw toys, laser pointers, and more. Try out different things to see what your cat likes best!

2. Cuddle When She Comes to You

Some cats go at their own pace when it comes to bonding, so take it slow and don’t rush the process – this could cause unnecessary anxiety and foil your plans for a healthy cat-human relationship. Give your companion space and let them decide when they are ready to bond; offer love when they’re open to it and never force them to be close to you. Learn to read your cat’s body language and steer clear when they seem agitated or unhappy.

3. Create a Safe Area

Setting up a “safe space” in your home is a loving way to allow your cat the space he or she needs away from you or other people and animals in your home. A crate with soft, comfy blankets is the perfect setup for a cat that’s looking for some alone time. This will also make traveling with your kitty a lot easier!

If you’ve just adopted a new kitten, consider blocking off parts of your living space, as well; a large amount of space can be frightening at first and may affect their happiness and comfortability at home.

4. Give Yummy Treats

Treats are usually a surefire way to create a positive experience for your cat. Most pets are motivated by food, so take advantage of this by keeping treats on hand and producing them when your pet is exhibiting bonding behavior. You might even sit down and place some treats on your lap to encourage your cat to be close to you. Be sure to keep the rest of your treats stored in an inaccessible area to avoid encouraging kitchen countertop exploration.

Domestic life with pet. Young man gives his cat meat snack.

5. Positive reinforcement

Let your kitten see that if she engages in friendly or social behavior she will get a treat, toys, affection – whatever it is that she most enjoys. This will encourage her to continue pleasant and sociable interactions with you. Remember to be patient; positive bonding experiences build upon each other, sometimes slowly, and will hopefully lead to bonding initiated by your loved companion!


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